Heading back to school can be a tough transition time for some students, especially younger ones who may be attending a preschool or daycare for the first time. Below, I have outlined some ideas to help prepare your child for the school year.
Make a visual schedule!
I use visual schedules with my preschool students for almost every activity. I also use visual schedules with my older students who have a hard time transitioning from one activity to another. In the morning before school, you can make a visual schedule with your child’s usual activities (brush teeth, eat breakfast, get on bus). I would not use more than 4 steps on the schedule to start with. As you finish each activity, you can put the picture in an envelope marked “done” and ask your child “What’s next?”. This will alleviate anxiety in the morning.
Read Books!
There are several wonderful books about going to school, or experiencing the first day of school. Here are some of my favorites:
Llama Llama Misses Mama by Anna Dewdney
Mouse’s First Day of School by Lauren Thompson
First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg
Back to School Rules by Laurie Friedman
Sing Songs!
Singing songs about school is a great way to calm your student before school starts. “Wheels on the Bus” is always a favorite!
Soon, your anxious student will be use to his or her new routine, and will love going to school each morning!